Call Center Software

Call Center Software

Communication with customers is very important for achieving business objectives. Therefore, there is a need for it to exist.

Talking with customers through the phone is more difficult than other communication methods. Firstly, because people who are answering customer calls should be prepared to avoid breaks during communication and to provide direct and accurate answers. Secondly, because without any information on the customer’s history, it is difficult to understand its problematic.

What is needed to facilitate this kind of communication, is a Call Center Software.



A Call Center Software, such as the Call Me, the service we provide, will be helpful in these steps:

  • It divides telephone operators into groups and decides which group to receive calls from a particular client.
  • Addressees a certain call to the right operator by reducing the length of the call. So during the day, more customers can be assisted.
  • Organizes phone calls, reducing the waiting time of the customer.
  • Provides a system that contains data accessible at any time, for each customer. This helps the operator understand the customer’s background.
  • It gives instructions to the waiting customers in order to direct their calls to operators that can solve the problem, through the IVR system.


A Call Center Software, like Call Me, also organizes the managers job.

Using dedicated software, managers can control real-time operator performance and customer feedback. This way, it is possible to analyze the clients issues and to provide a solution within a short time. Monitoring is important for work management and efficiency.